Thursday 18 March 2021

10 simple laundry hacks to try in 2021


We all get piles of clothes to launder now and then no matter how careful we are with our clothes. Earlier we had lots of time to carefully wash and dry our clothes, but now with we have become busier as jobs have become more complicated and because of the increased working hours, we hardly get time for ourselves, let alone do our laundry.

Homes, where either only one of the couples is an employee, is still fine, but it’s not that great as homemakers have other tasks as well and it’s a disaster where both husband and wife are working.

The best way is to go to a Laundry ServiceBut for those of you who can’t find a Dry Cleaner Near me on the map, we have collected 10 hacks that you can use in 2021 for better laundry.

Laundry hacks for a better life

Use mesh bags: - Those bags that you use for shopping for vegetables can always come in handy when it’s time to launder your clothes.

You should always put clothes that come in pairs such as socks into the bag so that the pair always remain together, this will always save time. You can also put any other article into the bag to remind yourself that this one doesn’t need drying.

Use markers for dryers: - You should keep a dry erase marker near yourself when it’s time for washing, you can write notes on the dryer or washer directly.

Details such as the clothes that don’t require drying or the clothes that require a special Dryclean cycle are a few examples. You can easily remove the ink later.

Ice cubes to remove wrinkles: - This is for those who don’t know how to use the iron or unfortunately don’t have time for ironing.

Put your clothes in the dryer with some ice cubes and set the dryer to the warmest temperature, switch it on and viola, the steam will work well with the ice cubes to remove the wrinkles. A point you should note is that this trick works best with the fewest amount of clothes and cubes.

 Un-shrink your sweater like magic: - we made that last part up, but your sweater can be resized to its original size by using baby shampoo, the following steps will tell you how.

1.      You should fill a sink with lukewarm water.Next, you should add about 2 capfuls of baby shampoo.

2.      Soak your sweater for 1o minutes into the solution.

3.      Next, take your sweater out and place it on a towel, next roll the towel to remove excess water.

4.      Stretch the sweater back to its original size while it’s damp.

Cleaning sneakers: - Sneakers or shorts that you use for running always end up with some grime, here are the steps to remove the grime that makes your sneakers look awful, you should use the following steps.

1.      Put your sneakers in a mesh bag.

2.      Next, wash the article in cold water while keeping the washer on a delicate cycle.

3.      You should only use a gentle detergent such as a homemade one, the amount should be half of what is used for a normal pile of clothes.

4.      Hang the short or sneaker up in the open to dry.

Hack for gym clothes: - When you come home from the gym your gym dresses always get that sweat smell because of your hard exercising routine.

The solution is simple; soak your gym clothes in a mix of cold water and half a cup of vinegar to easily remove that stinking smell.

Preventing creases: - Clothes can easily get unwanted creases when hung for drying or put on a hanger. You would have a hard time removing that crease, but don’t worry, we got you covered in the following steps.

1.      Buy cheap pool noodles.

2.      Slice these foam cylinders open.

3.      You must next cut the noodles to size.

4.      You can now slide these handy things into the rack r hanger and prevent wrinkles.

Cleaning towels and sheets

·         You should start by getting a bathtub or a regular tub.

·         Fill the tub with hot water and ¼ cup borax powder, ¼ cup washing soda, and ½ cup detergent.

·         Wait for 5 hours after soaking your towels and sheets.

·         To free up dirt you should swish your towels and sheets around during that time.

·         After everything is clean, you should empty the tub and rinse your linens.

Alternative to dryer sheets: - Dryer sheets are used to reduce dryer static, but what if you are out or you don’t have the time to buy more? Here’s the hack.

Crumple a sheet of aluminum foil into a ball and toss it into the clothes dryer and voila, you have reduced dryer static.

A hack with salt: - Salt is used basically to add a nice flavor to your food, but it can also be used to keep the colors of your clothes from fading.

Before washing your clothes next time, add a tablespoon of salt to your laundry, this will seal the colors in and prevent color-fading.

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